I am writing a short and sweet little post about my mom because I was thinking lately about how great she really is. The video above is dedicated to her because I've had some of my best days with her and hope to have many more! So, here are 20 top reasons I love and admire my wonderful mother!!!
1. She's happy
2. She's optimistic
3. She loves me
4. She's caring
5. She understands me better than anyone
6. She's taught me to serve and love with my WHOLE heart by her example
7. She's stuck by me through all my mistakes and forgives everyone of them :)
8. She's got
STYLE!9. She's showed me the importance of daily scripture reading and prayer and how powerful they are.
10. She's wants only the best for me and my siblings
11. She's wise
12. She has a great laugh!
13. She always makes me feel strong and confident in myself
14. She is a woman of great faith, divine nature, indiviual worth, knowledge, choice and accountablity, good works, intergrity and virtue
15. She's beautiful!!!
16. She gave me her eyes :)
17. She's funny
18. She never afraid to stand up
19. She knows when im upset just by the look in my eyes
20. She is HERSELF!
Through my mom is human and makes mistakes and has weakness like us all she always pushes forward never back. She makes the best of what's in front of her. I try to be that way, I constantly find myself stuggling and falling but all I have to do to find the strength to keep going is look to her and I find it. I love you Momma! Always know your beautiful, special, and the greatest mom around to me!
XOXO Emily :D